Thanks to new care, the activity of the elderly has become very long-lived, so facilities are needed to house and support them in their daily lives.
Our senior housing solutions automate and track calls for help, improve response times, and make residents more comfortable.

osa life care
soluzioni per case di cura

Senior facility security

Elderly homes with many residents and, proportionately, few caregivers, with the former needing to be able to move as independently as possible and spend time alone in their rooms, the latter needing to be able to intervene when needed and have the situation under control at all times.

Technology in this regard brings a great deal of input, creating facilities with integrated and comprehensive nurse communication facilities and telehealth and/or tracking systems that are able to alert in case of need.

At OsaTech, we are particularly sensitive to the serenity of the elderly, the disabled, people with motor problems, and also family members and caregivers, not only for those living at home but also for those in facilities such as nursing homes and clinics, to make theenvironment as pleasant as possible for guests and increase the safety of nurses and doctors.

We have customized wireless solutions available that meet all kinds of requirements for healthcare facilities of all sizes.
These systems offer maximum flexibility and great performance, so they can be adapted to a multitude of contingent needs.

We care about the care of the client/user/patient, so we ensure its monitoring through supportive tools and technologies that are easy to use and can communicate the need for intervention to the alarm recipient.

To ensure this we market and install Bosch brand products , present in all areas of the world in nursing homes, hospitals and special institutions.

The NurseCall system

Soluzioni per case di cura
Soluzioni per case di cura

Waterproof wrist transmitter, comfortable to wear and safe.
Can be activated by pulling the cord and is suitable for people with motor disorders.
With wall mount, can also be used as a pull switch

Soluzioni per case di cura

If a patient with dementia leaves unaccompanied, his or her wrist transmitter immediately triggers an alarm so that staff can intervene.

Soluzioni per case di cura

Escort function: when a patient wearing a dementia transmitter is accompanied by a staff member, the system recognizes that they are in good hands and suppresses the alarm.

Soluzioni per case di cura

Patients can request immediate attention by pressing the button on the wrist transmitter.
Battery status is monitored and it is easy to replace the battery, minimizing maintenance costs and time.

Soluzioni per case di cura

The main unit includes an alarm monitoring function.
It also indicates the type of alarm and assigns priorities.
This helps staff provide the best possible assistance.

Soluzioni per case di cura

The Bosch NurseCall wireless system is quick and easy to install and expand as needed without disrupting daily routines or causing noise or other inconvenience to residents or caregivers.

The certified products for senior housing

In a medicalized facility, where there are residents with dementia-level issues, with staff who present strong needs to have the overall situation under constant control, it is essential to have an integrated and flexible system that allows nurses to communicate continuously and promptly, with each other and with patients.

Bosch, a global brand with various systems designed to be modular to different needs and adaptable to existing networks, is moving in this direction, and we at OsaTech offer their products in the field of elderly safety.

Alarms that alert nurses in the event that a guest, with or without problems, needs assistance, or leaves the pre-established boundary, giving the patient a degree of freedom with the simultaneous guarantee of safety, network systems that know how to unify calls, alarms, data and information: technology, increasingly integrated and flexible, is key in making facilities for the elderly safe places for guests and caregivers, improving the quality of life of patients and facilitating the work of their caregivers.

As is well known, they are often understaffed for many needs, and systems such as those proposed can only meet them in their essential work.



Protect your elderly loved ones with our personal safety products.
Explore the options available in our shop and ensure safe and independent living.

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