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OSA TECH GROUP SA, at your service since 1997

The intent with which founder, Simone Poggi formed the sole proprietorship called Osa Informatica was to begin offering nationwide consulting and support services for the growingInformation & Communication Technology sector.

The philosophy of “think global, act local,” has continued to reward the business efforts made to support the heterogeneous demands of you customers, enabling Osa Informatica SA, to become a preferred partner for Ticino and Insubric business realities.

Over the years, the company continued on a path of growth by evolving and expanding its offerings in part due to the expertise and specialization of the professionals who had since been hired.

Rewarded by the philosophy, “Customer loyalty is proportional to customer satisfaction,” Osa Informatica SA continued to achieve relevant results that enabled it to build its first Data Center in Lugano, from where it began providing web, hosting and housing services for local and international clientele.

Their care and dedication have enabled Osa Informatica SA to serve over more than two decades about 600 companies to more than 6,000 private clients.

Over the years, it has acquired a number of strategic companies and integrated them into the group, thus further increasing the know-how and related customer base. This expansion also led to the change of the company name to OsaTech Group SA.

Despite more than two decades in business, thanks to our passion for technology, we are convinced that we will still write many pages of our and your history together with you.

Our departments:

In the residential and commercial sectors, modern, agile, needs-oriented and up-to-date doors and parking controls are needed.
We offer automations in home and business with modern identification systems that make them work dynamically.
Since 2003, we have offered automation services for the home part such as gates and overhead doors and for commercial realities with automatic doors, shutters, parking barriers, parking bollards, as well as advanced parking solutions.
We design and build custom garage doors with eco-friendly and innovative materials, bollards and barriers manageable with photovoltaic panels and applications from cell phones.


Dynamic and 360-degree communication, capable of embracing and integrating paper and digital, is essential for any type of business.

Since 1999 , we have been involved in the design and creation of logos, creation of brochures, price lists, vcard business cards in the traditional field of digital graphics and websites, applications, texts for sites, photos, drone footage, shops with credit card and cryptocurrency payments, seo, virtual reality, social media creation and management, digital marketing.

We also provide the hardware to increase visibility such as multi-screen TVs, digital totems and electronic screens.


What people are looking for nowadays is a home or structure that is agile, dynamic and characterized by modern, custom-designed systems. Since 2009 we have been acting by recommending, designing and installing audio systems, classic air conditioning or without an outdoor unit, electrical and home automation systems large and small, made ad hoc for each context.

We work by focusing on quality and best value for money.
We espouse the new concept of living and working that require different facilities that are smartly connected, integrated and manageable through apps and cell phones.


Information technology has evolved over the years, entering more and more different fields in important ways.
Since 1997 we have been broadening the fields of action through our expertise.
We pay attention to value for money and provide very qualified solutions and consulting.
We operate in the field of technology (hardware and software), specifically in classical support and assistance to individuals, system administration to companies, computer security, virtualization of switchboards and servers, hosting services for sites, data recovery and protection.
We are also active in the universe of cryptocurrencies and computer forensics, as well as in the development of management or pre-packaged solutions such as catering software or stores.


I nostri anziani desiderano una vita il più possibile autonoma e dispositivi che li facciano sentire sicuri, nelle loro abitazioni e nelle case anziani.

Since 2018, we have specialized in devices for the elderly.
We work in the home with a range of solutions at the product or technology service level that contribute to improving the environment and safety.
For the elderly, it is essential to be able to take advantage of remote assistance in the event of difficulty.

In nursing home solutions, nurses must be able to have a dynamic overview of the situation in order to understand the needs of each guest, reacting quickly by increasing the guest’s peace of mind.


C’è sempre un bisogno crescente di sicurezza che si articola nella necessità di impianti di allarme, controllo accessi, videocitofonia, e videosorveglianza in contesti domestici, commerciali ed industriali.

With solutions tailored to the needs of each client since 2004, we have been designing and implementing integrated, dynamic and extendable systems for apartment buildings, homes, villas, stores, offices, parking lots, and means of transportation.

We integrate the latest technological solutions in the field of control and monitoring.

immagine  esterna osatech


January 1997
Osa Informatics Constitution

The sole proprietorship , based in Canobbio, is born.

September 1999
Osa Informatica SA

Company changes from sole proprietorship to corporation

October 1999
Osa Communication Constitution

Company changes from sole proprietorship to corporation

January 2000
Transfer to Lugano Centro

Moving to Via Balestra in Lugano

March 2001
Transfer to Balerna

Relocation to Via San Gottardo in Balerna

September 2002
Creation of the first Data Center

Data Center in Lugano, Opening to Hosting and Housing Services

May 2003
Osa Automation Constitution

Acquisition Company specializing in automation and establishment of Osa Automation department

July 2004
Osa Security Constitution

Establishment of security department dedicated to alarms and video surveillance

November 2008
Balerna office expansion

Addition of two offices in Via San Gottardo

March 2009
Data Center Expansion

Data Center Migration at Swisscom Breganzona

September 2009
Osa Plant Constitution

Osa Plant Department Constitution

January 2013
Transfer to Morbio Inf.

Moving to Giuseppe Cereghetti Street 2

September 2013
Acquisition Information Technology Company

Purchase IT Services Company

December 2013
DC transfer to Morbio Inf.

Relocation to the Swisscolocation Data Center in Morbio Inf.

March 2015
Osa Tech Group Ltd.

The different companies are aggregated to the parent company Osa Tech Group sa

September 2015
Osa Life Care Constitution

Establishment of Life Care department dedicated to the elderly

December 2019
DataCenter Migration to vCloud

Migration from Virtual to VCloud platform

September 2020
Creation of Second Data Center in Lugano

Opening of an additional data center

July 2022
Creation of Third Data Center in Zurich

Opening of a third additional data center

October 2022
Osa Tech Lugano

Opening of the Lugano office

February 2023
Changing 70% of vehicles to electric

Company car replacement

April 2023
Morbio office expansion

Acquisition of the upper floor

June 2023
Photovoltaic panel installation

To become a Green company


    They say about us

    Experience, passion and dedication.
    This is that what emerges from our customers when they talk about Osatech